Only certain directors in the company have the power to sign company cheques. 公司中只有几个董事有权签公司的支票。
And the cost of computing power continues to free fall, which is a good sign for any enterprise setting up shop in silicon. 计算能力的成本持续自由下降,这对任何建立了网上销售的企业来说都是个好的征兆。
With their combination of robotics, sensors and computing power, they know how to stop at a stop sign, look for oncoming pedestrians, change lanes, get on the freeway and anticipate all the various problems that drivers face. 通过综合运用机器人技术、传感器和计算能力,这些汽车懂得怎样在停车标牌前停车、注意走来的行人、变道、驶入高速路,并为司机遇到的各种问题预先做好准备。
Mr McAuliffe holds veto power but is widely expected to sign the measure, given his previous comments during his election campaign in favour of the Korean perspective. 麦考利夫拥有否决权,但从他此前在竞选期间发表的赞同韩国观点的言论看,普遍预计他将签署该法案。
• Bond is by no means a comedian but he knows the power of a well-timed one liner. Women are attracted to funny men because humor is a sign of intelligence. 邦德并不是个喜剧演员但他懂得合适的时候来点小幽默。女性很容易被有趣的男人吸引,因为幽默标志着智慧。
Can like this say: Coding that secret that advertise the magic power to consist in making the meaning, but the meaning produce in the sign to reach agreement the code. 可以这样说:广告魅力的秘诀在于制造意义,而意义产生于符号的编码和解码。
But we need to contact the durable power of attorney to sign the release. 但我们要联系她的永久代理人来签字。
But we have also been sourcing most of the turbines and boilers we use in our power stations from China for a long period of time, so it was the next logical step to sign a deal for financing too. 但很长时间以来,我们一直在从中国采购发电站使用的大多数涡轮机和锅炉,因此签订融资协议就很合情合理了。
Gulf Arab states have suspended their efforts to negotiate a power transfer deal in Yemen after President Ali Abdullah Saleh refused to sign it. 也门总统萨利赫拒绝在协议上签字后,海湾阿拉伯国家已经停止了协商也门权力过渡的努力。
India, officially a nuclear weapons power since 1998, had been denied access to civilian nuclear technology for more than 30 years since its test of a nuclear device in 1974 and its refusal to sign the 1968 non-proliferation treaty. 印度于1998年正式成为一个核武国家。自1974年进行核装置测试并拒绝签署1968年的核不扩散条约以来,印度30多年来一直无法获得民用核技术。
Include the Representative's authorization referred to in ITB4.1 ( b), consisting of a power of attorney signed by those legally authorized to sign on behalf of the JVA. 包括组成由那些代表朱巴谷联盟签署并获合法授权签署的授权书的资讯科技及广播4.1(b)项所述的代表的授权。
The power of attorney to someone sign files in china. 双方同意授权某人签字的授权书;
Communication is one of sign's basic functions. The communicative function endows great power to the sign world. 交际是符号的基本功能之一,符号的交际功能赋予了符号世界强大的生命力。
The paper states the importance and trendy requirements of Main Control Room ( MCR) in nuclear power plant and introduces how to implement the human factor engineering principle in the de-sign of advanced main control room. 本文阐述了主控制室的重要性与发展要求,并对如何在先进控制室设计中实施人因工程原则进行了简单介绍。
It is found that Beta does not have explanatory power to future stock return over the two different portfolios whether the sign of the risk premium is taken into consideration or not. 在不考虑市场风险溢价符号时,规模对股票收益具有显著的解释能力,规模效应存在。